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Delivery & collection
How do I track my order?
You can track your order in “My Account > My orders”. You will see a short summary on the current status of all your orders.
What are my delivery options?
All orders placed within the United Kingdom including Northern Ireland are shipped within 24 hours using Royal Mail and DHL UK.
Can I make changes to my delivery?
After the order is placed, you have a short time to make changes. You may be able to make changes to delivery depending on the status of your order and the type of product(s).
Do you deliver internationally?
We can offer international delivery to almost any oversees country OUTSIDE of the EU. Orders under the weight of 2kg are sent via Royal Mail.
Can I collect my order?
We’re based within West London. If you’ve placed an order online, and would like to collect your item, notify customer service to 24hrs before so we can get your order ready!
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How do I change/cancel an order?
The easiest way to amend or cancel your order is by contacting customer service on +44 (0)208 574 2439.
Why is there an item missing from my order?
If you're missing an item from your order this may be due to the item being damaged when prepared for shipping, or left for back-order depending on items ordered.
When will an out-of-stock item be re-stocked?
You can sign-up to be notified by email when an item will be re-stocked. Unfortunately, our customer service team won’t be able to give you an exact date that an item will be back in stock.
My order is faulty, what do I do?
If you receive a damaged or defective item, you must e-mail within 48 hours of delivery. Should you wish to contact us for a quicker response please call our Helpline on 0208 574 2439.
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Returns & refunds
Can I return an item/order I've received?
Our standard RETURNS policy is 28 days from purchase and sale items can be returned within 14 days of receipt. These include orders placed in the UK, Europe, and Rest of the World.
What products can't be returned?
Any custom made to measure items will not be eligible for a refund as the fabric will be cut according to your measurements.
How do I return an item/order?
Customers are required to arrange their own return should they not require their item anymore, unless the item received is incorrect or damaged.
When will I get my refund?
We aim to process your refund within 24hrs of receiving your item. Please allow 3-5 working days for it to show up on your bank account. If you have been waiting more than 10 days for your refund, please contact customer services. You’ll need your invoice number to hand.
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Prices, payments & offers
Can I get a discount on a bulk purchase?
If you’re looking to purchase a large quantity, you will be able to purchase our roll prices as they are generally up to 35% cheaper.
I'm a charity, do you provide a special discount?
We love helping good causes, if your crafts and projects are going to a good cause, well be able to provide free remnant fabrics to support your cause.
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